Monday, January 14, 2008

January update

I know it's really not a witty title. Considering the variety of matter I'm going to cover, I think it matters little.
To start with the immediate, I'm sick! These things are always timely. Illnesses spread like wildfire around here, and everyone's usually on tinterhooks as to whether they'll catch it. Sickly days! I think I'll be able to push through, as long as I get enough sleep tonight. I don't think I have a choice, as my major homework assignment for tomorrow is an 8.5" by 11" headshot of William Shakespeare. All of which needs to be accomplished tonight. Upside down. That is, I will draw it by turning the sample picture upside down and copying it thus.
My drawing practicum is one of the reasons why I'm so excited about this quarter. After putting my brain on the rack for eleven weeks, trying to give an answer as to WHAT art is (btw, my art teacher really liked my paper! He said he thought I was right. O, Achievement!), now I actually get to DO it. Lovely.
We're also studying the French Revolution, which is a fascinating event. I'm simply agog. Not to mention that we get to read A Tale of Two Cities, Crime and Punishment, and Frankenstein! I'm so happy about novels. These aren't all about France, of course, and neither is the whole quarter; but it's mainly nineteenth century stuff, which is my cup of tea.
As rosy as this may sound, I must confess that this term is going to be much more difficult when it comes to homesickness. I'm definitely missing my family much more this time. Christmas was a really good opportunity to reflect on my priorities, and I realized how much I need to continue investing in my family, even if from afar. It's so easy to get caught up in 'young people world', where everyone is your age, and have lots of young people issues. Especially when the issues come flying in your face left and right. I am certainly being challenged to honor people for who they are, and not hate them for their problems. What a challenge, though.
I would continue, but I'm really running out of thoughts. It happens frequently. And the Bard's head has been sitting next to me and gazing affixedly at me.
Thanks for reading faithfully! I will be back soon. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your prayers. God is working, but sometimes it's so hard to accept His method. Don't stop!