Sunday, July 26, 2009

The cook and the boy get married

The title of this post sounds very like something that would originate from some of my times with those precious children, as you read in my previous post; actually, it comes from a very different source. Far from sitting at a toddler's tea table, I was recently promoted to Maid-of-Honor in my friend's bridal party. Now, I am a fiend for tradition and history, and as I have been settling into my role and performing my duties, it seemed interesting and appropriate to read up on the origin of my position. My first online read, after googling something like 'maid-of-honor-history', was mainly a fruity description of stuff I already knew: "The maid-of-honor is the pillar of emotional support for the bride to make her happy leading up to her happy day blah blah blah lots of girly parties blah details blah...". Wikipedia was somewhat more enlightening. I discovered that the attendants to the bride on the big day traditionally were just that, 'bride's maids'. They typically were young, unmarried women who witnessed the wedding, the chief of them (maid-of-honor) being the bride's personal attendant for the days before the wedding. Of course this has evolved with the advent of the bridal shower and bachelorette party, where the Honorable Maid organizes some last hurrahs for the bride and bridesmaids before the marriage. I could have guessed the info wikipedia gave on it, and will be interested to see if there is anything else to read. What was more intrigueing was the origin of the words 'bride' and 'groom'. Apparently bride possibly comes from the Teutonic word for 'cook', while 'groom' comes from 'goom, guma', meaning 'boy'. Whether wikipedia is to be trusted or not, I think they make a very interesting pair.
For some last words, I hope (as maybe you have been hoping for over a year?) that this is a true revival of 'Ashli's Anecdotes'. May I have mercy from elsewhere to have some integrity in this project!
Because God gives, not just second chances, but chance after chance, may we, I and my readers, come at this little article with fresh minds. I am etc.