Saturday, October 6, 2007

Back to the ol' blog! Do expect, dear readers, a weekly report for now. But I think I've said that already. Now to the real stuff.
To me, October is the most gorgeous month of all. Furthermore, I don't think I've experienced a more glorious fall, looking out at the changing foliage through these old windows here at the house. This is a most beautiful city in falltime! Yesterday I was compelled to buy milk at the store, and it was so lovely to walk in the crisp, late afternoon, with a glass bottle of milk on my arm, as the city bells chimed the hour. I think the world was near perfection, if for a brief matter of minutes! Later at night, my friend and I ventured out to attend an Irish dance at a local church. Apparently the information was outdated, for we stumbled upon a "feed the homeless"/bum meeting instead; it was a nice night walk, anyways!
We got to experience October in another way today, during our House Work Day. The Lord gave us excellent weather (overcast, crisp, and dry) for our tasks, and I was delighted to have the job of working outside in the garden! Part of this included cutting back the mint plants, the trimmings of which I was allowed to keep. As a result, I have about six very large bunches of mint hanging delectably from my walls, ceiling, and closet doors, in preparation for cold season (I swear by mint tea for a sore throat!). Today I also did a lot of digging, so we'll see how my body fares in the morning.
Study-wise, I am getting settled, but there's always so much to do! I have a ton to cram into the next two days. So far, I think my favorite classes are Greek and Micro (yes, I'm loving all the excavating through Aristotle!). I find this strange, since it's Western Civ. that's the most literature/history intensive, and the class that I assumed would be my favorite. Well then! I guess I'm captured by the future opportunity that I will have to translate the New Testament for myself. I find that extremely compelling. Already the sophomores are using their Greek in their Micro class on John! Exciting! And we not so lowly freshman are now constructing simple sentences, which is thrilling.
Well, study beckons. Most of my fellow learners have either gone out to study, or are holed up in their rooms doing the same. We do that a lot around here; c'est la vie!
"Let us not say 'farewell', but as the French have it, 'au revoir'!"
Yours, etc.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Such a delightful post! I love the fall as well and reading your thoughts made me enjoy your weather despite the rain and clouds we have had today. I enjoyed your post so much that I think I need to go add something to mine!