Thursday, October 11, 2007

Pleasant moments

The bells are chiming the hour again! They raise any situation beyond the ho-hum. Here in the airy Loft, the topmost level of the building, I am surrounded by shelves of books, plants, all manner of end-tables, and a bright window. Add the bells, and I think I have successfully escaped school life! Except, of course, that I'm doing homework.
Last night I baked cookies for the first time since I got here. I never realized how much I would miss doing it all the time, as I did in summer. It was a great way unwind, and they disappeared swiftly, leaving only mere crumbs to testify that they ever existed. So it is with all food around here, but especially sweets. On Monday night I witnessed a whole chocolate cake, complete and gorgeous at 10 pm, transform into a single sliver by 5:30 the next morning! Lots of growing boys around here. And girls, for that matter! Honestly, there's nothing like it.
Anyways, I just had to share the moments of peace that God has brought me recently! He knows exactly what we need.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I totally remember watching food disappear at an astonishing rate from our common kitchen when I was in college. I even had a roomate who made the best eggrolls ever. She would make a batch of over a hundred and they would be gone in 24 hours. I'm thinking that with two growing boys, I should prepare myself for similar events. :-)