Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Vegan times

Being part of a church that fasts frequently (and by fasting I mean giving up animal products for stipulated periods during the year) has its adventures. From a very upbeat and positive viewpoint, it can be rather exciting for someone who enjoys culinary challenges. As a devotee to dairy products, I appreciate the opportunity to take a break from my usual cheese-with-everything diet and explore the (plain) vegetable world. My family has gotten somewhat used to my food quirks in recent years, with my bowls of sourdough starters and fermented things, so now they smile at my half-gallon jars of what looks like guts (but are, in actuality, cooked beans) in the fridge and assortment of eggplants and cabbage. Yes, being a part-time vegan, I never realized what weird looks you get from non-vegans. Although I have spent the last two years of my life in Eugene, where vegans are indigenous and nothing is really that weird.
But fasting isn't always so upbeat and positive. It's not just a dietary decision (and let me tell you, it's not one I would make if there wasn't a higher spiritual value to it. I've come to respect those who do it just for health convictions, because I certainly couldn't). It's a time of sacrifice, when through your physical struggles you realize how much you need God's mercy if you're going to live for Him. I'm definitely not very good at it, but it is a blessed thing, and not something to despair over. Although pizza is rather tragic without cheese...but then, hummus covers a multitude of sins. God lets me laugh at myself!

By the way, ripe garden tomatoes taste great with rain water droplets on them!

1 comment:

Mergus merganser said...

Haha! Hummus does cover a multitude of sins! Fasting is something I don't altogether understand...much as I don't understand vegans (I like my meat :) but if God says to fast, well then, there's got to be a good reason for it!